The sidewalk is a prime aspect of any property adjacent to it as it is a paved way for pedestrians. Well-paved sidewalks are a perfect walking lane for the pedestrians and also a significant exterior attraction of your house. However, sidewalks are often prone to damages caused over time, and a defected path is not at all appreciated by DOT (Department of Transportation). In this case, it is under the purview of the property owners to maintain the sidewalks adjacent to their property that has developed cracks or has become dilapidated.
At construction repair NYC, you can find the best concrete sidewalk contractor in Brooklyn. Our proficient repair and maintenance concrete contractors in Brooklyn have the expertise and experience to deal with the sidewalk violation removal and repairment of broken or damaged sidewalks of your area.
Before hiring our contractors, you should have proper information regarding sidewalk violation notice and how it is removed.
What is Sidewalk Violation?
Continuous usage of sidewalks often leads to damages, and it’s one of the most common reasons behind the decrepitness of sidewalks. Other causes can be environmental degradation or uplifting by tree roots or improper construction. They crack or tear up to become hazardous. Such an old pavement can attract violation notice from the department of transportation (DOT).
The initial notice is a way of informing you about your defected sidewalk. It doesn’t come along with fine or any such obligations. The notice holds the information regarding the defected sidewalk and what kind of repair you have to make within 45 days. If you are unable to repair because of any reason, DOT will take the responsibility of the repair and then bill you from their end.
How to Get Rid of Sidewalk Violation Brooklyn
Hire Professional Concrete Sidewalk Contractors in Brooklyn NY
The moment you receive a notice of sidewalk violation, schedule a meeting with us, or visit us for proper repair and concrete sidewalk installation in Brooklyn.
It makes sense to get a licensed and experienced contractor to do the job and avoid any complications regarding the permits and rules of the department of transportation agencies. Our expert contractors will serve you in the best manner possible.
A reinspection is Important to get a clearance
It is vital to remove the violation officially. For that, you need to call the DOT agency and ask them to send their officers for a reinspection. After successful reinspection, you will be officially freed from the violation, after getting a clean chit.
Why Choose Construction Repair NYC for Sidewalk Violation Removal in Brooklyn?
- We do all kinds of repair works in NYC and nearby areas like Brooklyn sidewalk repairs, concrete repair, and driveway installation in the Bronx, Manhattan concrete repair, Bronx sidewalk violation repair.
- We provide our customers with quick and best quality services as every project is carried out with the utmost professionalism.
- Our licensed concrete contractors in Brooklyn have built strong customer relationships by delivering the highest quality services for years.
For further queries or information regarding our services, feel free to contact us today.